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ADHD Specialist

Mmereole Health

Family Medicine & Pediatrics located in West New York, NJ

An attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis typically occurs in childhood, with symptoms apparent before the age of 12. But 30-70% of children continue to struggle with their ADHD well into adulthood. At Mmereole Health, Robert Mmereole, MD, and Paulina Mmereole, NP, offer ADHD screening and treatment that improves your child’s attention and helps them become successful at school and home. To schedule an appointment, call the office in West New York, New Jersey, or use the online booking feature.


What is ADHD?

Children with ADHD have differences in their brains compared to those who don’t have ADHD. Specific brain areas mature more slowly in children with ADHD. They also have imbalances in nerve networks and the chemicals used to communicate between nerves.

It’s important for parents to know that ADHD is a neurological disorder. Children with ADHD aren’t purposefully disobedient; they need help learning to keep their behavior appropriately controlled.

The brain differences in those with ADHD also determine the symptoms. For example, children with ADHD struggle with skills such as organization, self-regulation, problem-solving, and reasoning because the brain areas that control those skills are affected by ADHD.

What symptoms develop due to ADHD? 

ADHD symptoms are categorized as inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Some children only have problems with inattention; others have trouble in two or three categories. Though each child’s symptoms vary, everyone’s symptoms are severe enough to interfere with their success at school, home, and when socializing.

When children struggle with inattention, they:

  • Can’t pay attention
  • Lose important items
  • Have difficulty organizing tasks
  • Avoid tasks requiring mental effort
  • Forget to do homework and chores 

When children struggle with hyperactivity and impulsivity, they:

  • Fidget or get out of their seat during class
  • Run or climb when it’s inappropriate
  • Talk excessively and interrupt conversations
  • Can’t wait for their turn
  • Act or speak without thinking

Patients diagnosed with ADHD also have problems with working memory. Working memory gives you the ability to remember several pieces of information long enough to use them to plan, do calculations, or to coordinate one activity with another. 

How do you diagnose and treat ADHD?

Mmereole Health diagnoses ADHD with several tools, including a symptom checklist, talking with parents about their child’s behavior, and by asking parents and teachers to complete questionnaires. If your child is old enough, it also helps to talk with them about the things that frustrate and challenge them. 

Medication to improve attention is usually the first line of treatment for ADHD. Children with ADHD and their family members often benefit from therapy so they can learn ways to help their child manage their time, behavior, and emotions.

If your child is hyperactive or has attention problems, call Mmereole Health or schedule online for an ADHD consultation.